Paul Edwards: 2.2.2020

Head Over Heels

It Shall Bruise Thy Head And Thou Shall Bruise His Heel (Genesis 3:15)

Even before Adam and Eve sinned, God had a plan for their redemption and all who would thereafter sin 1Peter1:18-20. This plan was revealed in the first Messianic Prophecy of scripture- Genesis 3:15.


As a part of God’s salvation plan, Jesus would bruise the head of Satan- Genesis 3:15. According to Paul, Jesus spoiled principalities and powers when he died on the cross- Colossians 2:14 15. His death was a crushing blow to the head of the snake, thereby destroying the work of the Devil- 1John 3:8.


Of a much less degree, Satan would bruise the heel of Jesus- Genesis 3:15. Jesus was made lower than the angels to taste death for every man- Hebrews 2:9, 14, 16. He became the captain of salvation through suffering- Hebrews 2:10. In addition to this, Jesus was made like his brethren to become their High Priest, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people- Hebrews 2:17 18.


By dying on the cross, Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death, the Devil- Hebrews 2:14. Now faithful people of God can resist Satan with the assurance that he will flee- James 4:7. Although the Devil is seeking whom he may devour- 1Peter 5:8, we don’t have to go to that place prepared for him- Matthew 25:41.


Instead, we who through fear of death were subject to bondage are delivered, that is, have a hope of salvation- Hebrews 2:15. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life- John 3:16. At the cross, Christ’s heel was bruised, but thank God, Satan’s head is crushed.


How can a Christian resist the Devil?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards: 2.2.2020

Head Over Heels

It Shall Bruise Thy Head And Thou Shall

Bruise His Heel (Genesis 3:15)

Even before Adam and Eve sinned, God had a plan for their redemption and all who would thereafter sin 1Peter1:18-20. This plan was revealed in the first Messianic Prophecy of scripture- Genesis 3:15.


As a part of God’s salvation plan, Jesus would bruise the head of Satan- Genesis 3:15. According to Paul, Jesus spoiled principalities and powers when he died on the cross- Colossians 2:14 15. His death was a crushing blow to the head of the snake, thereby destroying the work of the Devil- 1John 3:8.


Of a much less degree, Satan would bruise the heel of Jesus- Genesis 3:15. Jesus was made lower than the angels to taste death for every man- Hebrews 2:9, 14, 16. He became the captain of salvation through suffering- Hebrews 2:10. In addition to this, Jesus was made like his brethren to become their High Priest, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people- Hebrews 2:17 18.


By dying on the cross, Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death, the Devil- Hebrews 2:14. Now faithful people of God can resist Satan with the assurance that he will flee- James 4:7. Although the Devil is seeking whom he may devour- 1Peter 5:8, we don’t have to go to that place prepared for him- Matthew 25:41.


Instead, we who through fear of death were subject to bondage are delivered, that is, have a hope of salvation- Hebrews 2:15. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life- John 3:16. At the cross, Christ’s heel was bruised, but thank God, Satan’s head is crushed.


How can a Christian resist the Devil?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards