Paul Edwards: 4.12.2020

How Do You See It Now?

Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? (Haggai 2:3) After the Exile, God’s People returned to Judah where they rebuilt the temple. Haggai, the prophet, posed two important questions above which members of the church should ask-Haggai 2:3.


As the people compared Solomon’s Temple with the new, they were disappointed because it was as though they traded their Mercedes for a Corolla. God wanted to comfort them, hence through the prophet he says, be strong and fearless-Haggai 2: 4 5. In a little while He would literally shake up things-Haggai 2:6.


While the first temple had the presence of God symbolically, the new would have God present personally-Haggai 2:7. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace Is9:6 is described by Haggai as the Desire of All Nations. He would rebuild the tabernacle according to Amos- Amos 9:11. A close study of the Temple or Tabernacle shows that both refer to the church-Acts 15:16, 1Corinthians 3:16, 6:19.


In comparing both temples, Jesus told the Woman of Samaria that worship would no longer be in Jerusalem or the Mountain of Samaria but in Spirit and in Truth-John 4:20-24. It is not the place that is now important, but the way we worship. This point was also made by Paul in Athens-Acts 17:24.


Finally, Haggai points out that the glory of the next temple would be greater because in this place, God would give Peace-Haggai 2:9. According to Paul, Christ is our Peace because he made Jews and Gentiles one, has broken down the middle wall of partition and has removed the law through his death-Ephesians 2:14, 15. How do you see the church now?


What is the difference between the Tabernacle and the Temple?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards: 4.12.2020

How Do You See It


Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? (Haggai 2:3) After the Exile, God’s People returned to Judah where they rebuilt the temple. Haggai, the prophet, posed two important questions above which members of the church should ask-Haggai 2:3.


As the people compared Solomon’s Temple with the new, they were disappointed because it was as though they traded their Mercedes for a Corolla. God wanted to comfort them, hence through the prophet he says, be strong and fearless-Haggai 2: 4 5. In a little while He would literally shake up things-Haggai 2:6.


While the first temple had the presence of God symbolically, the new would have God present personally-Haggai 2:7. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace Is9:6 is described by Haggai as the Desire of All Nations. He would rebuild the tabernacle according to Amos- Amos 9:11. A close study of the Temple or Tabernacle shows that both refer to the church-Acts 15:16, 1Corinthians 3:16, 6:19.


In comparing both temples, Jesus told the Woman of Samaria that worship would no longer be in Jerusalem or the Mountain of Samaria but in Spirit and in Truth-John 4:20- 24. It is not the place that is now important, but the way we worship. This point was also made by Paul in Athens-Acts 17:24.


Finally, Haggai points out that the glory of the next temple would be greater because in this place, God would give Peace-Haggai 2:9. According to Paul, Christ is our Peace because he made Jews and Gentiles one, has broken down the middle wall of partition and has removed the law through his death-Ephesians 2:14, 15. How do you see the church now?


What is the difference between the Tabernacle and the Temple?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards