Paul Edwards: 5.247.2020

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another

As If A Man Flee From A Lion And A Bear Met Him (Amos 5:19)

This world is filled with trouble. It matters not if we are rich, poor, young, old, black, white, wise or otherwise, trials will cross our path. We can learn much from the book of Amos.


Being a child of God does not exempt us from the difficulties of life. Amos warned that there would be wailing in the streets and highways and God would be behind it-Amos 5:16 17. Satan advanced the view that Job was only faithful because of God’s protection-Job1:10. Today, many believe that if we are faithful to God, we will be insulated from trials.


Amos told the Jews that the Day of the Lord would be the opposite of what they expected- Amos 5:18. From Job we learn that trouble is a certainty-Job 5:6, 7; 14:1. Paul adds that all who will live godly shall suffer persecution-2Timothy 3:12. Therefore we should not be surprised by fiery trials-1Peter 4:12.


Problems are sure and if it is not one thing, it is another-Amos 5:19. Turning to Job, we see disaster after disaster. As a Counselor, I would not like Job as a client because his problem list is much too long and varied. His challenges ranged from crime to climate, from finance to family from heat to health and from death to doctrine-Job 1:13-2:10.


Israel was told to worship God and Him alone Amos 5:21-26. Let us follow the example of Job who worshipped, praised and would not sin or charge God foolishly-Job 1:20-22. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Is trouble of the Devil?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards: 5.247.2020

If It’s Not One Thing, It’s


As If A Man Flee From A Lion And A Bear

Met Him (Amos 5:19)

This world is filled with trouble. It matters not if we are rich, poor, young, old, black, white, wise or otherwise, trials will cross our path. We can learn much from the book of Amos.


Being a child of God does not exempt us from the difficulties of life. Amos warned that there would be wailing in the streets and highways and God would be behind it-Amos 5:16 17. Satan advanced the view that Job was only faithful because of God’s protection-Job1:10. Today, many believe that if we are faithful to God, we will be insulated from trials.


Amos told the Jews that the Day of the Lord would be the opposite of what they expected- Amos 5:18. From Job we learn that trouble is a certainty-Job 5:6, 7; 14:1. Paul adds that all who will live godly shall suffer persecution- 2Timothy 3:12. Therefore we should not be surprised by fiery trials-1Peter 4:12.


Problems are sure and if it is not one thing, it is another-Amos 5:19. Turning to Job, we see disaster after disaster. As a Counselor, I would not like Job as a client because his problem list is much too long and varied. His challenges ranged from crime to climate, from finance to family from heat to health and from death to doctrine-Job 1:13-2:10.


Israel was told to worship God and Him alone Amos 5:21-26. Let us follow the example of Job who worshipped, praised and would not sin or charge God foolishly-Job 1:20-22. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Is trouble of the Devil?
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards