Paul Edwards: 2.23.2020

The Land of Babylon

Of the captivity that were brought up from Babylon (Ezekiel 1:11)

For the Jews, Babylon should represent punishment. It was a place of tears-Psalm 137:1. How then could the children of Israel reach a point where they refused to leave?


After spending 70 years in Babylon, it was now time to return to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and to restore worship as God designed. God placed his plans in the heart of a heathen king, Cyrus, King of Persia, who put in writing a proclamation that the Jews rebuild the House of God-Ezekiel 1:1. Everyone did not jump at the opportunity-Ezekiel 1:3.


Although God assured them they would receive all they need for the journey, which included silver and gold, goods beasts and a freewill offering-Ezekiel 1:4, only the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, the priests, Levites and those whom God had raised their spirit, were willing to go-Ezekiel 1:5. What about the others?


Of course, the text implies that the vast majority of Jews remained in Babylon. Ezra speaks of those who returned to Jerusalem but says nothing of those who remained. It is interesting to note that King Cyrus was more enthusiastic about the will of God than the Jews who would not go up to Jerusalem-Ezekiel 1:7 8, Luke 19:40.


As long as the Jews remained in Babylon, they would deprive themselves of the joys of working for the Lord. They would miss out on the worship that God designed and they would remain in captivity-Ezekiel 1:11. My prayer is that we will not allow our love for this world to rob of us the joys of heaven-1John 2:15-17. Leave Babylon!! Revelation 14:8.


Memorize Colossians 3:1-2
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards: 2.23.2020

The Land of Babylon

Of the captivity that were brought up from

Babylon (Ezekiel 1:11)

For the Jews, Babylon should represent punishment. It was a place of tears-Psalm 137:1. How then could the children of Israel reach a point where they refused to leave?


After spending 70 years in Babylon, it was now time to return to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and to restore worship as God designed. God placed his plans in the heart of a heathen king, Cyrus, King of Persia, who put in writing a proclamation that the Jews rebuild the House of God-Ezekiel 1:1. Everyone did not jump at the opportunity-Ezekiel 1:3.


Although God assured them they would receive all they need for the journey, which included silver and gold, goods beasts and a freewill offering-Ezekiel 1:4, only the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, the priests, Levites and those whom God had raised their spirit, were willing to go-Ezekiel 1:5. What about the others?


Of course, the text implies that the vast majority of Jews remained in Babylon. Ezra speaks of those who returned to Jerusalem but says nothing of those who remained. It is interesting to note that King Cyrus was more enthusiastic about the will of God than the Jews who would not go up to Jerusalem- Ezekiel 1:7 8, Luke 19:40.


As long as the Jews remained in Babylon, they would deprive themselves of the joys of working for the Lord. They would miss out on the worship that God designed and they would remain in captivity-Ezekiel 1:11. My prayer is that we will not allow our love for this world to rob of us the joys of heaven-1John 2:15-17. Leave Babylon!! Revelation 14:8.


Memorize Colossians 3:1-2
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards