Paul Edwards: 5.3.2020

Singing the Song of Solomon

Thy Love Is Better Than Wine (Song of Solomon 1:2)

Once you have read the book of Song of Solomon, you will notice that its general theme is love. You will see a description of love that may inspire you to sing-James 5:13.


Love is demonstrable-Song of Solomon 1:2. In the context of marriage, no one should be wondering, does my spouse love me? Dr Gary Chapman posits five love languages, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. Each of these is described in the Song of Solomon-Song of Solomons 1:2, 7:11, 5:1, 8:2, 8:5. John explains that love is not just speech but action-1John 3:18, John14:15.


Love is capable-Song of Solomons 8:6. Solomon says that love is as strong as death. I have heard many songs about the power of love which according to Peter covers or forgives the multitude of sins-1Peter 4:8. Although miracles will fail, love cannot fail 1Corinthians 13:8. So powerful is love, that Jesus says of his death, I will draw all men to me-John 12:32, John3:16.


Love is unquenchable-Song of Solomons 8:7. Many waters cannot quench love, the floods cannot drown it. That is why while we were yet in our sins, Jesus died for us-Romans 5:8. Listen Paul, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, death, life angel? Romans 8:35-39.


Love is invaluable-Song of Solomons 8:7. If one should give all his wealth for love it would be scorned or despised. No wonder Paul comparing faith, hope and love declares love as the greatest-1Corinthians 13:13. It is greater than eloquence, it is greater than miracles, it is greater than benevolence, it is greater than sacrifice-1Corinthians 13:1-3. Sing It!


Read the book Song of Solomon
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards

Paul Edwards: 5.3.2020

Singing the Song of


Thy Love Is Better Than Wine (Song of

Solomon 1:2)

Once you have read the book of Song of Solomon, you will notice that its general theme is love. You will see a description of love that may inspire you to sing-James 5:13.


Love is demonstrable-Song of Solomon 1:2. In the context of marriage, no one should be wondering, does my spouse love me? Dr Gary Chapman posits five love languages, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. Each of these is described in the Song of Solomon-Song of Solomons 1:2, 7:11, 5:1, 8:2, 8:5. John explains that love is not just speech but action-1John 3:18, John14:15.


Love is capable-Song of Solomons 8:6. Solomon says that love is as strong as death. I have heard many songs about the power of love which according to Peter covers or forgives the multitude of sins-1Peter 4:8. Although miracles will fail, love cannot fail 1Corinthians 13:8. So powerful is love, that Jesus says of his death, I will draw all men to me-John 12:32, John3:16.


Love is unquenchable-Song of Solomons 8:7. Many waters cannot quench love, the floods cannot drown it. That is why while we were yet in our sins, Jesus died for us-Romans 5:8. Listen Paul, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, death, life angel? Romans 8:35-39.


Love is invaluable-Song of Solomons 8:7. If one should give all his wealth for love it would be scorned or despised. No wonder Paul comparing faith, hope and love declares love as the greatest-1Corinthians 13:13. It is greater than eloquence, it is greater than miracles, it is greater than benevolence, it is greater than sacrifice-1Corinthians 13:1-3. Sing It!


Read the book Song of Solomon
2020. First Coast Church of Christ. All rights reserved.
First Coast Church of Christ 450757 State Rd. 200 Callahan, FL 32011 Telephone: 904.879.4003 Minister: Paul Edwards